Flinging arrows at flyin' fish and more.
Fish on a stick!
Call us about group and corporate rates.
Please call for available days and times available. Please go to the contact page.
RATES: All trips are 3 hours in length. $75 per each additional hour.
Illinois River.............$550
Des Plaines River.....$400
Cal-Sag Channel......$260
Up to four (4) persons per trip. Three (3) persons on Cal-Sag trip.
NOTE: Captain Dean Wilkins, www.CarpShootChicago.com, or the Carpaccio are not responsible for accidents that may occur during the fast pace sport of bowfishing. By booking a bowfishing trip with the above you assume all responsibility with the understanding that any type of hunting/fishing or adrenaline charged sport has the opportunity for physical harm.
NOTE: By booking a bowfishing trip with the above you give your permission for the use of your likeness, voice, photograph and other similitude for the promotional purposes of Carpaccio bowfishing.